October 14, 2004

Back by popular demand.

Back by popular demand.

O.k. after all the great phone calls I got yesterday (it was so great to talk to you guys!) I decided to write up another entry for my blog.

I’m doing much better these days. Sunday, I had another really great night out with Ronnie. He’s really grown up and he’s very honest and sincere. It may sound strange but I trust him more then anyone here. (which may not be the best thing…but don’t worry I’ll keep my head on me). I’m traveling to Amritsar on Saturday (the town with the Golden Temple). I’m not sure about he crew I’m going with, they’re nice enough I guess. Ronnie’s girlfriend is in Amritsar so I’m hoping to meet up with her. Next weekend I’m planning on taking an overnight train to Ahmedabad to catch the end of the Navarti festival (the stick dance) and maybe head down to Diu. Supposedly it’s turtle hatching week. I spoke with the other COL intern in India, George last night (she’s in Ahmedabad) and it was such a great conversation. The first foreign person that I’ve talked to that’s on the same wavelength as me.

So what have I been up to? I don’t even know where to begin and I’m sure you folks don’t want to hear every detail of my life. So the parts I think you’ll find interesting:

Bebe, everyone seems to remember the maid. How are things between us? Good actually! But here's alittle story for you - I was horribly unanthropological the other day. She had rang for me (there’s a bell attached to my room from the kitchen) so I ran down stairs wondering what was up (it was too early for dinner). She showed me these two name cards and asked me something in Hindi. For the next 5-10 min. she tried desperately to ask me something in hindi. All I understood was “bol” (say) mera (name) and that’s about it. She kept going “oyyye” and smacking her head. I kept staring at the card (which was the name and address of a dentist) and watching her point to her mouth. I couldn’t get it – she wanted me to go to the dentist? Did she need me to take her to the dentist? Did she want to tell me that this was a good dentist to go to? Did he drop by and need something from me? Did she give him my name? Finally she gave up. I pointed at the card and asked her if she wanted me to tell Dr. BLAH the dentist something? She smiled nodded her head and put the cards away in a drawer. Which really just confused me more. It actually wasn’t until after I walked back to my room that I realized she needed me to tell her what name was on the card because she couldn’t read it. My god. I’ve been hanging out with expats too much and I guess I started thinking that everyone knows English and how to read. Wow. But all in all everything’s going well between the two of us. Since she’s moved the TV into the kitchen I sit and watch Indian soaps with her while I eat supper. Mrs. Singh is also doing well. I try and sit and talk with her at least once a week. The woman has a history. She remembers the emergency. Her family used to live in the old Punjab that is now in Pakistan. I get so closed minded sometimes and forget that everyone has history and stories to tell.

Everyday I cross this bridge (“flyover”) which is lined with pigeons. There are even cement bowls on the sides of the bridge which auto drivers fill with water. Seeds and crumbs are given to the birds each morning as well. It’s so strange. There are men sleeping on the divider in the middle of the road poor and hungry, while the pigeons are flocked in hundreds on the “pigeon” sidewalk eating lavishly. I love that aspect of living someplace “different” you see everything from an outsiders eyes and pick up on these things…I’m sure we’re mostly oblivious to these oddities in Canadian culture.

I wish I could show you folks a video of life here, it’s hard for me to pick and choose what to write about.

I should run but on a side note my eyes are a very strong hazel now just like last time. I don’t know what it is about India that can change my eye colour. Hope it’s not all the pesticides in the water. (:-) oh mom, don’t worry, I’m fine!)

P.s. My nephew was born on the 30th of September!!!! Little dark haired baby Christian Jared! Congratulations sis!


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