The last of them
So there you go - the last of the digital photos! Anyway gotta run but take care!
Jan, have that baby already!!
The stories of a silly girl named Michelle living, working and (occasionally) breathing in a city called Delhi.
So there you go - the last of the digital photos! Anyway gotta run but take care!
Here's the very last picture i took before the camera fell to the floor. I'm in the bathroom because it had the best light. Family, you wanted to see a picture of me - here's a picture with all my bug bites! And all those bites happened over 1 night!
This is Mrs. Singhs house where i live. BeBe's room is past that blue door infront of the car. Actually, interesting story about Bebe - she had Mrs. Singh move the t.v. into the kitchen so she could watch her soaps while she cooked for us. Now who really runs the household? the servant or the landlady??
Last night I dropped my digital's now dead. I should know better then to spend money or own anything nice. I'm so upset with myself $300.00 down the drain. 3 weeks into my term here. How unlucky am I? Oh well I shouldn't be so materialistic. One time when I was traveling a friend said to me that it didn't matter if she had any pictures of the things she saw because she had the memories. I'm going to try to live by that mentality. But see Jan, Nese and Mom - this really proves that I shouldn't spend money on anything but food and clothes ever.
There's something strange going on in my neighborhood.
Hey Guys,
My sister, her son and my mom took me to the airport. I absolutly love this photo! (Jan I hope you don't mind I've posted a pic of your son on the internet...if you do just drop me an email and I'll make the picture privite)
I promised an entry related to work (which really is the primary reason for traveling all this way). First of all the office is beautiful…very colonial with extremely high ceilings and crown molding. The layout is wonderful, beautiful curving staircase with marble steps and large open rooms with a central garden. I met with the director the other day and devised my work plan. I am actually the only “research assistant” (the only individual who’s soul purpose is to research and analyze the data and reports our office receives) so I get a variety of jobs. You know me, I like a strict plan and order and felt at first that I would prefer just working for one element researching and analyzing only primary and secondary data working from a rigid anthropological framework. But, now, I figure that this new plan is for the best. It gives me a range of experience in research that might help me find a job (even if it’s not strictly anthropology based). One task is to work with the Research and Analysis Programme Officer. I will be looking at the strategic 5 year (2005-2010) plan of IPPF SAR to find faults, analyze how we will verify that we have been successful in our activities and from there work on the baseline research required to start towards these goals & successes. Secondly, I will be working with the Safe Abortion Programme Officer doing research much like I expected – gathering info on how abortion related morbidity impacts the South Asian cultures and analyzing the information collected on this issue. I also accidentally mentioned I would like to help with the “Real Lives” (the monthly publication IPPF SAR produces). So now I have a huge stack of articles of which I am suppose to short-list, edit (which is a horrendous job…these are pretty standard Socio or Anth or Develop. like papers which I need to make precise and interesting – and, of course, commonly the English language has been butchered) while doing all this I am to think of visuals that can accompany the articles, flag articles which other colleagues might be interested in, and collect all sorts of data on ICPD. Once this is finished, I’ll be sitting down the BCC person and discussing the look and format of the publication. I have to say right now this publication is my favorite task, mostly because it is the only thing I’m positive on how to approach.
I have some good news - my office is getting brand new dell computers next week which means I should be able to download some of my digital photo's soon! The IPPF office is great! I'll write more about it in a couple of days.
o.k. so I couldn't not write in this thing. I guess we'll see how long it lasts. There's so much to write about. So much to think about and analyze but India deserves better. I will though, tell you how my day went yesterday.